
The Marriage Course

Are you married or in a permanent relationship? Would you like to enrich your relationship? to have a weekly ‘date night’ with your partner, a great meal and a chance to have some good confidential talk together each week for seven weeks? 

Over seven weeks the Marriage Course provides talks on relationship matters, and opportunities for each couple to talk together privately after each talk. It is a confidential process, with no-one else involved as couples talk together. Each evening is organised as a “date night”, with an delicious dinner, soft lights, and good music. It is not for those who have serious relationship problems.

This year’s courses have finished, but there will be others next year. To find out more, please contact the Vicar on 03 304 7051


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Home Groups

Would you like to meet with a small group of others who want to explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus? In a small group we can all experience encouragement on our Christian journey, the opportunity to learn from God’s Word and from each other, and lots of laughter along the way. Currently there are two home groups which meet fortnightly, one in the daytime and one in the evening. The programme consists of a social time over food and drink, discussion of a Bible passage or Christian topic of interest, and prayer. To find out more, please contact Simon Tipping 03 304 8920

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